About me

I am currently a third-year PhD in the LAMA Lab at Imperial College London, supervised by Prof. Lucia Specia and Dr. Marek Rei. My research mainly focuses on robust natural language processing that deals with noisy texts, model biases, and adversarial attacks. Specifically, I am greatly interested in machine translation, hate speech detection, and multimodal machine learning.

Before starting PhD, I finished my MSc degree in Computing (Artificial Intelligence) with disctinction at Imperial College London, also under the supervision of Prof. Lucia Specia. I obtained my BEng degree in Software Engineering from Nanjing University.


  • Dec 2021 - Present: Research Engineer at Contex.AI.
  • June 2020 - Dec 2021: Research Assistant in Multimodal Machine Learning at Imperial College London.


  • 2020-2021 Spring term: Graduate Teaching Assistant for CO70016 Natural Language Processing.
  • 2020 March: Teaching volunteer at AICore.
  • 2019-2020 Spring term: Graduate Teaching Assistant for CO490 Natural Language Processing.
  • 2016-2017 Spring term: Undergrad Teaching Assistant for course Operating System.